Bedminster Judokwai Annual Championships
On 23rd March 2024 George and Henry White, as well as their father Graham travelled via car to Bedminster in Bristol to compete in their annual judo championships. Henry won a gold medal and George won a silver medal. After three and two matches respectively. The reason for competing at this tournament was to practice for the Hampshires, which are in late April. The 3 hour road trip was full of anticipation for the next day as that was the 24th March the day they were competing, after the long car journey they arrived at a Premier inn, which was a pleasant and enjoyable experience, the venue that had been booked for the judo tournament was also very nice and well organised, which led to an amazing and unforgettable experience.

Above is an image of Henry getting a throw during his 1st match.

Above is an image of George getting a throw during his second match.